Communication allows you to overcome data governance problems

Communication in digital

Proper data management is critical to competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment and data governance is the way to do that. Yet, it is a complex process to put in place and manage over time. Misunderstanding and frustration is often a result of people not knowing or understanding what is expected of them. That is the reason that communication is key to data governance. It is the path to ensuring all stakeholders align by offering a shared understanding of responsibilities. This article explores the role of leaders in making sure that communication helps, not hinders, the data governance process.

What is Data Governance?

Data governance strategy is the basis for the processes that ensure the quality and security of the data used across an organization. It defines who can take what action, upon what data, in what situations, and using what methods. 

The key elements of data governance are:

  • Strategy
  • Policies and standards
  • Data Ownership and responsibilities around data
  • Data quality management
  • Metadata management
  • Security and privacy
  • Compliance and regulatory adherence
  • Data access and sharing

Together, these elements create a strategy that benefits the business thanks to consistent processes and responsibilities. Yet, it is complex and can have important implications for some people in the company.

Bad Communication means Bad Data Governance

Since it is a complex topic, implementing data governance can require significant organizational cultural change. This is often perceived as unpleasant as it requires people to spend much time with data during origination. This change can be challenging for employees, as it may need them to take on new tasks outside their core responsibilities. For example, data owners may suddenly have to ensure data quality, a task previously not in their job description. This can be challenging and they may need help understanding why they should take on this new responsibility. As a result, when a policy is in place that defines new processes and responsibilities, people may choose to overlook it. This is often understandable, given the propensity of overwork and high-stress jobs.

The Solution: Effective Communication

This is where leadership and communication come into play. Effective communication helps a data governance policy to avoid the communication gap. The responsibilities lies with company leaders, who must take an active role in ensuring the implementation of proper communication. With their involvement, data governance can become an integral part of company culture.

Don't just rely on emails

Standard email is one effective way to communicate when working with data governance. Yet, it is crucial not to leave it at that. Dialogue should be regular and consistent from the beginning and over time. It should occur through as many channels as possible to ensure all stakeholders know the new policies and processes.

Alternative Communication Channels

For instance, following are some ways leaders can effectively communicate about data governance policies and processes:

  • Meet with Affected People: Meeting with affected people is crucial to ensure they understand the need for data governance. Any concerns or questions are quickly addressed, and the benefits of the new policies are shared.
  • Check Regularly: Checking regularly is critical to ensuring that affected people are doing the job. This verifies that the policies and processes are followed.
  • Utilize all Channels: Communicating the importance of data governance over all available channels is essential. Examples are company newsletters, management meetings, or the intranet. This ensures that all stakeholders know the new policies and processes and can help build support for them.
  • Advertise Improvements: Advertising any improvements made thanks to data governance policies is vital. This builds support for the policies and processes and demonstrates the benefits of data governance to the organization.

Leaders must ensure proper communication in data governance

In conclusion, communication is key to data governance and company leaders must take ownership of it. Misalignment can cause significant issues for the organization. Ensuring all stakeholders are aligned with the new policies and processes is crucial. Company leaders must ensure effective communication occurs through as many channels as possible. That way, the organization can reap the benefits of successful data governance: improved data quality, increased trust in data, and better decision-making.