Don’t worry! AI is augmenting your job, not taking it

man and robot shaking hands

Artificial intelligence (AI) is often criticized for threatening jobs. Yet, looking at it from purely this perspective risks missing out on a new wave of human and tech collaboration. AI should be seen as augmenting jobs instead of replacing them. Combining it with unique human capabilities increases efficiency, innovativeness, and adaptability.

For individuals, utilizing technologies to expand productivity means having a competitive edge in the workplace. Augmented intelligence is the term used to describe AI to support human intelligence. The term may seem similar to artificial intelligence but it is critically different. Understanding the difference between the two can be the key to turning anxiety about the future into optimism.

I’ve touched on fears related to AI in this post people misusing generative AI is scarier than the technology itself (, and the augmented intelligence mindset is yet another reason to overcome them. 

What is augmented intelligence vs. artificial intelligence?

artificial vs augmented intelligence

Artificial intelligence refers to developing technologies that perform tasks typically done by humans. It involves creating algorithms and models that enable devices to learn, reason, and make decisions. AI systems aim to replicate and perform tasks without human intervention.

Augmented intelligence focuses on enhancing human intelligence. It involves using AI technologies as tools to complement and extend human capabilities. Augmented intelligence combines human and AI strengths. Human intuition, creativity, and context are combined with AI algorithms’ analytical and processing power. It emphasizes collaboration between humans and machines to improve decision-making, problem-solving, and performance.

To summarize, AI focuses on creating intelligent systems that can operate independently. Augmented intelligence emphasizes the partnership between humans and machines to achieve better outcomes. It recognizes that humans are central in leveraging AI technologies, creating greater efficiency and effectiveness.

What competitive edge can a person get with augmented intelligence?

There are significant shortfalls of AI in its current stage. These include inventing facts, biased outputs, and copyright infringement when creating content. For this reason, it is widely not ready to replace humans in the short term. Yet, quality has increased over the last two years, especially for AI-generated content. It is a powerful tool to generate material that a person can adjust and perfect. Technology can do repetitive or routine tasks, freeing human time for more valuable and creative work.

The augmented intelligence mindset is about embracing AI as a collaborator rather than a competitor. The work that I am doing right now is an example of it. I have used AI to support my writing process for this article. Generative AI offered ideas, proposed different word-sentence methods, and found currently available information on these topics. The preparation process for writing has therefore been more streamlined. Yet the ideas and messages are all mine.  I’ve enhanced my capabilities by harnessing AI technologies, working more intelligently, and learning new skills faster.

How do you get started to embrace augmented intelligence?

There are two necessary first steps to getting a personal competitive edge thanks to AI. Firstly, try it out. It’s vital to note that this is true for all employees, not just the leadership. A recent survey by BCG, AI at Work: What People Are Saying 1, highlighted a significant usage gap between the organization’s different hierarchical levels. While 80% of leaders say they use AI regularly, that number dropped to 20% for frontline workers. Yet, AI isn’t just for the c-suite. People at all levels of the organization can benefit from it. Secondly, research how AI is being used in your line of work. The more familiar you are with with AI, especially related to what you do professionally, the more you will see the potential of working with it.

As I mentioned, AI should be seen as augmenting jobs instead of replacing them. The more you become familiar with it, the clearer it will become. 
man, woman and robot